The Eight Guiding Principles of Rocky Mountain Institute
- Advanced Resource Productivity: Using natural resources much more productively — efficiently — is both profitable and better for the environment.
- Whole-Systems Design: Whole-systems design reveals lasting, elegantly frugal solutions with multiple benefits.
- Positive Action: We don't lobby, litigate, or harass those with whom we disagree.
- Market-Oriented Solutions: We believe in working with markets, not against them.
- End-use/Least-cost Approach: "What are we trying to do, and what's the best and cheapest way to do it?"
- Biological Insight: Nature offers extraordinary design solutions honed by 3.8 billion years' rigorous testing
- Corporate Transformation: We view the corporate world, which environmental groups often dismiss as "the problem," as an essential part of the solution.
- The Pursuit of Interconnection: We believe strongly in the importance of a "vision across boundaries."
Clean Tech San Diego and The California Center for Sustainable Energy welcome Amory to San Diego.
How Cleantech Innovation in San Diego is Lighting the Way to Economic Prosperity
Reinventing Fire:
Amory Lovins Talks Energy Strategy
Wednesday April 11, 2012, 5:00 – 7:30pm
Energy Innovation Center
4760 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92117
Named by TIME magazine as one of the “World's 100 Most Influential People” in 2009, Amory Lovins is the co-founder, chairman and chief scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute – a nationally recognized, non-profit think-and-do tank in Colorado. He has been active at the nexus of energy and environmental resources and development in more than 50 countries for over 35 years, and is among the world's leading energy authorities.
Mr. Lovins will join CleanTECH San Diego President & CEO Jim Waring to discuss Reinventing Fire and how San Diego entrepreneurs and innovators are already applying some of his strategies for actionable solutions for the four energy-intensive sectors of the economy: transportation, buildings, industry and electricity. The event will highlight a number of clean technologies being developed in San Diego, and explore how they can be broadly applied to revolutionize markets around the world. The evening will conclude with a book signing and reception.
Reinventing Fire will be sold at the event at the discounted price of $30 (cash only). Reserve your copy here.
Limited seating available.
About CleanTECH San Diego
CleanTECH San Diego is a private, non-profit member organization formed in 2007. As one of the nation's premier cleantech cluster organizations, its mission is to position the region as a global leader in the cleantech economy. CleanTECH San Diego serves as a catalyst for a diverse group of stakeholders to advance a common agenda.
About California Center for Sustainable Energy
The California Center for Sustainable Energy ( CCSE) is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation that helps residents, businesses and public agencies save energy, reduce grid demand and generate their own power through a variety of rebate, technical assistance and education programs. CCSE also provides the community with objective information, research, analysis and long-term planning on energy issues and technologies. The California Center for Sustainable Energy promotes change for a clean energy future.
About California Center for Sustainable Energy
The California Center for Sustainable Energy ( CCSE) is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation that helps residents, businesses and public agencies save energy, reduce grid demand and generate their own power through a variety of rebate, technical assistance and education programs. CCSE also provides the community with objective information, research, analysis and long-term planning on energy issues and technologies. The California Center for Sustainable Energy promotes change for a clean energy future.