Dear Environmentalist,
We only have a short amount of time to weigh in on a proposed rule that would hold big polluters responsible.
Send the EPA a message today!
Did you know that only a handful of factories and power plants emit over half of all U.S. global warming pollution? Under a proposed rule by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), these mega-polluters would be forced to clean up their act.
But the EPA must solicit public comments before it can take action. Will you send the EPA a message today encouraging them to hold big polluters accountable?
Click here to send a message to the EPA.
This proposed rule marks one of the EPA's most important commitments to moving us towards a clean energy economy and away from dirty, non-renewable energy sources. It would require the biggest polluters – like new coal plants – to install technology to clean up pollution they emit that causes global warming. It would also require existing polluters to utilize this technology when they expand or modify their plants.
Cracking down on big polluters benefits both the planet and its inhabitants since it would reduce global warming pollution as well as other kinds of pollution that cause smog and lung disease. It will also help to create good paying clean energy jobs, which will help the economy.
The EPA is only soliciting comments for a short period of time. Please weigh in right away.
Send a message to the EPA now.
We have made great progress this year with the passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act in the House of Representatives, and similar legislation is beginning to move in the Senate. But we must do everything in our power to stop global warming before its effects are irreversible.
Please, send the EPA a message today supporting their efforts to hold big polluters accountable.
Gene Karpinski
League of Conservation Voters
The mega-polluters are the ones that need to be most heavily regulated, because they profit most from the destruction of our shared environment, and they can afford to take the steps necessary to clean up their act. Plus, dealing with just a few mega-polluters is systematically easier than dealing with millions of individual people. They own the means of mass production and they can fix the problem, if we make them.
It's time to take back control of our energy future. By harnessing the power of the wind and the sun, we can cut global warming pollution and transition to clean energy sources that don't harm the environment, never run out, and create good paying new jobs here in the United States. To succeed, we must require coal-fired power plants - America's largest single source of global warming pollution - and other big smokestack industries to stop polluting with impunity.
As a first step, please finalize a strong rule to require big smokestack industries to meet modern standards for global warming pollution when new facilities are constructed or existing facilities are significantly modified.