Creating community progress through cooperative solutions.
This is about the future of San Diego, we focus upon renewable energy technologies, and our shared environment: food, water, and land use issues.
The California Center for Sustainable Energy (CCSE) is a non-profit educational resource that was originally formed in the 1990's by San Diego Association of Governments (SanDAG), San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E), and San Diego State University (SDSU) to fill a policy gap in energy deregulation.
Ben Arith - The Residential Solar Program Manager for the California Solar Inishitive at the CCSE, spoke with Sustainable Future about how homeowners should go about getting state incentives for their renewable energy, both Photovoltaic (PV) and Solar Thermal Hot Water.
Learn more about 1-million solar homes and California's Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards (RPS), as our utilities strive to reach ambitious goals where one-third of our energy must come from renewable sources by 2020.
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